For new information regarding Invasive Species hover over the Lake Stewardship page tab above.
Lake Links
This page will be updated as we find either general websites or links to specific articles where you might find interesting information regarding life at Pike Lake. Let us know if you come across any articles you think your fellow Pike Lakers might find interesting.
"Succession Planning - Keeping the "Family" in Family Cottage"
The Federation of Ontario Cottagers Association (FOCA) has provided seminars on this important topic at various locations around cottage country. Some of our members have attended the seminar and found the information to be a great starting point. The following information is provided as a way to open discussions with your family. It is recommended that you reach out to the author or your own lawyer.
You can find the information from FOCA and the author who supported FOCA on this project below:
A one page summary provided by FOCA and you can find it here;
A booklet with more information, written by Peterborough lawyer Peter Lillico who provided information to FOCA can be found here and;
A link to the "Cottage" section of Peter's law firm here.
Other Helpful Links:
The Pike Lake Community Association is not responsible for the content of these sites, or the upkeep of contents within them. The links are provided for information purposes only.
Friends of the Tay Watershed (FoTW)
Federation of Ontario Cottagers' Associations (FOCA)
Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
You can now access all MNRF natural resources science and research-related pages on a central page. To make it easier to navigate, content is categorized into six main topics: aquatic, climate change, forest, natural heritage, species at risk, and wildlife.
"Well Aware - A guide for caring for your well"