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Lake Stewardship
The Pike Lake Community Association has undertaken many programs in its history. The members of the association when surveyed have said the most important role for the association is the Lake Stewardship.
If you're looking for the information on the Hazard Buoy Program, it's been moved to the Lake Life Page. Click here.
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Update on Water Quality in Pike Lake
The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA) released its Watershed Conditions Report
in 2023. The RVCA assigns a Water Quality Index (WQI) score to each lake. Pike Lake has
received top marks – a WQI rating of Very Good (Excellent) – between 2013-2021, which is
the latest data included in the report. This means that the water quality is protected with
virtual absence of threat or impairment, conditions are very close to natural or pristine.
The Watershed Conditions Report also highlighted issues of concern in the Rideau Valley, which includes increasingly low water conditions. Low water conditions were declared for 9 out of 10 years between 2011-2022 (compared to only one out of 10 years in the previous decade). Climate data suggests that we are experiencing increasing temperatures as well in the region, which could compound low water frequency going forward. Climate changes impacts are identified as an area of concern – including changing rainfall rates and an increase in extreme storms. In order to mitigate, where possible, these effects, the RVCA conducts hazard mapping and hydrological modelling to better predict future flooding and erosion. As well, continue sampling to track local climate conditions, water levels and the frequency of flood and drought conditions will help to determine trends and inform the development and implementation of new strategies to continue to protect the watershed.
Keeping shorelines healthy helps keep the lake healthy – a natural shoreline ‘buffer zone’ helps slow flow into the lake and keeps pollutants that could reduce water quality, such as salts, fertilisers and pesticides, out of the lake. When shorelines are cleared of their natural vegetative buffer zone, water temperatures rise, runoff increases, and waterfront residents see a rise in harmful algal blooms, reductions in healthy fish communities and declining water quality levels.
RVCA staff will use the findings from the Watershed Conditions Report to develop a comprehensive Watershed Management Strategy to implement targeted monitoring and conservation programs to address specific, and ongoing, areas of concern.

New Federation of Ontario Cottagers Association (FOCA) Publication
The Federation of Ontario Cottagers Association is a valuable source of information for cottagers and cottage associations. They have just produced a new publication called "Ontario Lake Stewards" which is full of interesting and helpful information.

There are articles on the following and more!
Fire safety
New Canadian Canoe Museum
Impacts of climate change
List of possible association activities (let us know if you have a favourite)
Blue-Green Algae blooms
You can find this document by clicking here.
Rideau Valley Conservation Authority Presentation to PLCA AGM
Haley Matschke - Surface Water Quality Coordinator, and Gavin Robertson - Water Resource Technician (RVCA) & Biological Technician (OFAH) from the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority were invited to make a presentation to the Pike Lake Community Association Annual General Meeting on June 24th. You can find a copy of their slide presentation by clicking here.

Calling all "Loonies"
We're looking for volunteers, aka "Loonies", to count the number of loon pairs in
June, baby chicks in July, and surviving chicks in August. The information is used
to track the survival of loon chicks over time. It also helps scientists to monitor the
health of both the loon population and the health of our lakes across Canada and
Here is a link to a new, easy-to-complete form to let us know that you've seen loon
pairs, or chicks. Click here to supply the information. Alternatively, report your
sightings via email to info@pikelake.ca
The PLCA joined the Canadian Lakes Loon Survey in 2013 so we now have 7 years
of data (the survey was cancelled for two years because of COVID). We will need at
least 10 years of data before we can make any conclusions about loon population
trends on Pike Lake. You can find more information on the Canadian Lakes Loon Survey at Birds Canada - click here.
Thank you to all the Pike Lake "loonies" who help us keep track of the loons on Pike Lake!

Lake Steward Reports
2020 Water Quality Report
The RVCA conducted water quality testing in 2020 at 9 sites on Pike Lake. Water quality indicators, such as nutrient counts, were comparable to data collected data between 2001 and the present. E. coli counts were low at all sites, and depth measurements indicated generally clear water.
So - let's keep it this way! As cottagers, actions to keep the lake healthy include ensuring septic systems are well-maintained, not using fertilizers or pesticides, minimizing disturbance to the shoreline, and keeping the shoreline natural.
You can find the water quality data provided by RVCA here.
The sample site locations are indicated on a map down the page at this link.
Reference Material
2021 AGM MNRF Presentation
Lake Protection Workbook
Watersheds Canada has produced a workbook which provides information on how to diagnose any shoreline property problems and see how you can help your shoreline.
You can download one free copy of the “Lake Protection Workbook: A Self-Assessment Tool for Shoreline Property Owners” through the Watersheds Canada website or clicking here.
Keeping Pike Lake Healthy (2011)
A handbook, "Keeping Pike Lake Healthy", was compiled in 2009 by volunteer Pike Lakers. This plan outlines specific actions that we as individuals and as a community can undertake to maintain and improve the quality of the lake environment for present and future generations.
If you read the acknowledgements section you'll see by how many people contributed making it clear that Pike Lakers care about the future of our lake. Please download it, print it and keep it handy for reference!!!
Lake Stewardship Handbook, practical how-to info here. An update to the Handbook can be found here.
At the 2021 Annual General Meeting of the PLCA, Joffre Côté, Management Biologist with MNRF presented the results of “Pike Lake Angler Diary Program” run over the 2019 season and you can find the notes from his presentation here.
Historical Lake Steward Reports
Walleye Spawning and Habitat Enhancing Project
The PLCA Lake Stewardship program has been working on this project with the Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry (MNR&F) for several years now. The goal of this project is to enhance the walleye fish population in Pike Lake.
Over the past few years, volunteers have made observations of priority shoal locations, done fish eye counts late on cool spring nights, and last summer fishers on Pike Lake were asked to voluntarily complete a record of their catches. These reports allowed MNR&F to determine the conditions were right to commit to adding Walleye fingerlings to the lake at their expense.
At the 2021 AGM of the PLCA Joffre Cote, Management Biologist with MNRF presented the results of the Angler Diary program run over the 2019 season. His report can be found in the Reference Material section on this page.
Blue Green Algae
July, 2020. Many waterways are experiencing blue-green algae which can be toxic. Fortunately, we are not aware of any toxic blooms on Pike Lake.
Linden Davidson, the Lake Steward for PLCA, received a report from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) on the laboratory analytical results for the samples collected from Pike Lake on July 2, 2020. They show that both the total microcystins and total anatoxin-A concentrations were below the method detection limit of 0.1 and 0.2 ug/L, respectively.
2019 Water Quality Report
Our PLCA Lake Steward, Linden Davidson, recently corresponded with Sarah Maclead-Neilson, the Surface Water Quality Coordinator for Rideau Valley Conservation Authority. At his request, Sarah provided the 2019 water chemistry results for Pike Lake. She also included all the data they have on site D (Donnelly Bay). She noted the overall, water quality nutrient results, water clarity and E. coli counts were within recommended guidelines for 2019 with the exception of one sample at RVL-01D. (Site D - Donnelly Bay).
Linden expressed his concern regarding Site D and Sarah noted she was aware this has been highlighted as an area with nuisance plant/algae growth. This is the one location where the Provincial Water Quality Objective (PWQO) was exceeded during June 2019 sampling. In reviewing the complete dataset at this site she found that there was no evidence of a significant change in the total phosphorus concentrations, a slight downward trend (though not statistically significant) was observed in the graph.
Pike Lakers will recall that the creek flowing into this site was investigated in 2013 for possible influences on water quality, and Sarah supplied a copy of the report for our review.
Sarah noted, " I think the shallow, sheltered bay with wetland influences contributes to the abundant vegetation growth observed at this site, particularly when paired with the warm weather we have experienced recently."
Here are links for the water quality report for 2019 including historical results and detailed information on the "Site D" results.
2017 Pike Lake Catchment Summary
At the 2019 PLCA AGM Martin Czarski from the RVCA presented the recently updated Catchment Summary Report for Pike Lake. You'll find some great information on our lake clicking here.
2010 State of the Lake Report (SOL)
The intent of the State of the Lake report is to improve the knowledge and understanding of Pike Lake and its watershed by outlining its history, changes and trends over time, and examining the interactions and relationships of the lake environment relative to the pressures and issues facing the lake. While the pressures and issues identified by the lake community can have an impact on the entire Pike Lake watershed, the majority of the information presented in this report is specific to Pike Lake. You can find the report here.