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We published a calendar again for 2025!
Last call: Are you interested in purchasing a beautiful Pike Lake 11 x 17" wall calendar for 2025?​
Email info@pikelake.com if you'd like to purchase a 2025 calendar as soon as possible.
Cost is $20, payable by cash, or cheque made payable to the Pike Lake Community Association
Calendar 2026?
Next spring we will decide whether to do another calendar for 2026 after we see how well the calendars sell this year.
We would love to have you submit some of your favourite photos from the cottage to be included in future editions. The more submissions the better as we plan to do a layout that allows for multiple phots per page.
We'll post the link to upload pictures here in the new year.
Please keep in mind the following guidelines for your submissions:
- Photos will be anonymous; we won't be showing photo credits; and no identifiable people or pets please.
- Please supply the original full resolution photo in JIFF, JPEG, PNG or TIFF format.
Photography Tips
If you are a member of the Pike Lake Facebook Group you will know there have been some great pictures posted there. We asked two regular contributors to provide members with some photography tips to share with the rest of our community. Below you will find great tips from both Heather Lindale and Mary Anne van Gaal to help us with coming up with some great photos. ​
Nature Photography Tips by Heather Lindale

Nature Photography Tips by Mary Anne van Gaal
Are you determined to take some great photos at the cottage this year? The good news is that you don’t need a big, expensive, digital camera to get great results (unless you really want wildlife photos taken with a long zoom lens). Your phone camera can result in some stunning images if you get familiar with its features and keep a few key points in mind.
Concentrate on the composition of both what’s in the frame and where it is. The rule of thirds is an excellent way to put your main subject slightly off to the side for more interest. Most cameras will have a setting to show a grid right on your screen to make this obvious. Look for subjects that are a little out of the ordinary or present them in an unexpected way.
Have something interesting in the foreground, for both interest and context. For example, by including your dock or a glass of wine when photographing the sunset, you will tell a story.
Vary the point of view by not always taking photos at eye level. Get down low for a unique perspective, or up high for a bird’s eye view.
Use the burst function (usually accessed by just holding down the shutter button) when you are taking action photos. This will allow you to get a sequence of photos over a short time, ensuring you catch the scene you want.
Pay Attention to the quality of light. Early morning and the evening golden hour are the most beautiful times to take photos because the sun is lower in the sky and the light is softer. If you are taking photos in bright sunlight, position yourself so the sun is behind you.
Play around with the editing function on your phone. It’s amazing how a so-so photo can become spectacular with just a few adjustments. The auto adjust feature is a great place to start and often all that you need.
Photography can be very rewarding. As you become more confident with your camera, you may also find It very relaxing, almost meditative when you absorbed in the moment. Practice is key, so experiment with what does and doesn’t work. Take several shots of the same scenen in different ways. That’s the beauty of digital. You can take thousands of photos and not worry about running out of film!
Remember, the best camera is always the one you have with you! Have fun!
Here are some examples of pictures taken by Mary Anne van Gaal using the above concepts:
Boat in fog: rule of thirds and early morning light. Sunset: taken from low down with shoreline in the foreground adding interest.

Dog: taken from above, plus reflections for interest Reflections of the clouds with dock adding interest and perspective.

Photo of Canada Geese courtesy of Heather Lindale using the burst function